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I tried calling, but couldn't get through. How do I schedule?Scheduling online is the best way to reserve your time if you can't get through on a call. We do not have a receptionist, so if we are in a massage with another client, we will not be able to answer your call or get back to you quickly. If you don't want to book online, leave a message and we will get back to you.
What if the doors are locked?On weekends, the only exterior door that is unlocked is the lower-level door from the back parking lot. Please park behind the building, on the west side, and enter from that door. If the suite door is locked, your therapist is likely still in session with another patron. Please wait in the hallway and your therapist will welcome you shortly.
Do you have shower?While we do have a bathroom, we do not have a shower in our facility.
Are there special precautions for Covid-19?While we are maintaining our sanitizing practices to keep everyone as safe as possible, we no longer require masks to be worn during services. However, if you are sick or have been exposed to someone with Covid-19, we ask that you reschedule your appointment to keep everyone at Aja safe from illness.
What do I wear for my massage appointment?For your massage, you can be undressed to whatever level you are comfortable with. Regardless of what you wear or don't wear, we will adhere to professional and modest draping throughout your massage. Only the areas that we are currently working on will be exposed at any given time. We always use both a sheet and a blanket or bath sheet to make sure that you feel comfortable and secure.
What if I need to cancel?If you need to cancel, we kindly ask that you do so within 24 hours of your appointment. When we reserve time just for you, we also withhold that time from other potential clients. Last-minute cancellations directly affect our therapist's opportunity to make income. Please allow us enough time to try to fill that spot with another client by giving us 24-hours notice. Cancellations within less than 24 hours will be required to pay for the missed appointment.
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